New year, new you.
You know how the resolution stage goes: You buy new cookbooks, get that gym membership, buy blackout shades so you can get quality sleep, and take all the relevant steps to prep you for making your healthy commitment happen. But before January is over, you drift back to your old ways.
To make this year different, we’re going to do our part and assist you by nudging you towards healthier choices. One of the most effective ways to stick to your ‘make healthier choices’ resolution is to quit sugar. Or even better, replace it with healthier options.
Weaning yourself off sugar can be daunting. Sugar plays with blood glucose levels, sending them surging, then diving—leaving you fatigued, brain fogged, and irritable. Before you begin, it’s important you realise that these changes are lifestyle changes and not just diet changes. There’s no looking back once you’re in it.
So now that the first step is taken — choosing to eliminate sugar and adopting a healthier lifestyle, here’s how you get around to doing it. Sweeter than sugar and with twice the nutritional profile, honey is the ultimate alternative to table sugar. It also makes getting off sugar easy.
Organic Honey is a natural, sweet liquid produced by bees from the nectar of flowers which plays an essential role supporting and nourishing bee colonies. Each bee will make, on average, about half a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. Considering the tons of honey produced each year, that’s a lot of bees at work! Under The Mango Tree promotes beekeeping and provides good quality organic honey that is great for health.
And if this isn’t convincing enough, here are some wonderful health benefits of honey. All these benefits can be found in the honey supplied by Under The Mango Tree.
- Replacing sugar with honey can aid in weight loss
- Raw honey contains natural sugars, water, minerals and vitamins that are a natural source of energy
- It’s an antioxidant powerhouse. Antioxidants help block free radicals in the body that cause disease
- It’s a natural cough syrup
- It helps with overall digestive and immune health
Now that the resolution has been made, here’s how you can get started:
Step 1: Let all your friends and family know that you’re going to quit refined sugar. Let them hold you accountable.
Step 2: Share updates on how you’re replacing sugar with honey in your meals.
Step 3: Start inspiring and motivating people to do the same by sharing your recipes and how honey complements certain food items.
Step 4: There will be times when the temptation will be strong. Reach out to friends and family and treat yourself to a spoonful of organic honey to stop those cravings.
Step 5: Now that the cravings have reduced and you are feeling healthier, celebrate with a healthy dessert made out of organic honey.
There are many ways by which you can improve yourself and your health in 2019. Take a resolution to take good care of your health and stick to it.